growth in all forms

growth in body and spirit

If you read my post from last week you will remember that I have embarked on a #90daysofyoga journey with a fellow part-time yogi.  This journey was initiated by myself for many reasons.

  1. My rock climbing drastically improved last time I was able to practice yoga consistently.
  2. The overall focus that I gained allowed me to be more productive, patient, and aware of what was going on in my body.
  3. Increased flexibility is always a plus, not to mention a low impact, do anywhere, toning workout.

Deciding which yoga workouts I wanted to do ahead of time was very short lived!  Coordinating a household of 4.5 means not knowing when or how much time I will get to myself so I started just choosing what sounded good for the length of time I had available.


Only seven days in and I am feeling pretty great!  Certain positions make it actually look like I have a bump and that is reward enough, as you can tell by my wonderful headstand.  It’s great to have some time to stretch and I’m hoping that the core toning will help once labor starts.  For now though, I have been sleeping better (not great), have a much improved downward dog, and have been using my breath again to cope with back pain.

growth in home

Once the next baby arrives, the boys will be sharing a room meaning there will be a massive overhaul happening.

Big Boy Bed

The first big project was to get Booger out of the crib/toddler convertible bed and get him into his own, new, big, boy bed.  We decided to order the Kura bed from Ikea and spray painted it navy to go with the colors of the room.  He got new dinosaur bedding and next step is to turn the lower portion into a great reading nook and hideout.  We have a play area downstairs so luckily mostly just reading and snuggling happen in their room meaning we don’t have to organize too many toys.  A massive redo will also be happening in that play area, we just take on projects far ahead of time so we are never in a huge rush to get them finished 🙂

Project number two in our house has been building a rock climbing wall in our garage!

Climbing Wall

This one is mostly Greg’s project but I just have to show off his handy work 🙂  We are all very excited to have the ability time to climb whenever we want, including Booger!  The main problem we have run into at our climbing gyms is that they are obviously geared towards adults, not two-year-olds.  Oh well, it’s understandable I guess 😉

growth in family

Our new au pair, Karolina, has now been here for right about a week!  For anybody thinking about getting an au pair, we have loved the experience so far and highly suggest it.  Karolina and Booger have hit it off splendidly!  They took a trip to the neighborhood park this morning (in spite of the 30 degree weather) and it certainly looks like they had fun.


We look forward to watching them continue to grow together over the next year.  It’s been a hectic week having to all of a sudden account for another person in the house but soon we will have a second car and she will get her license and other documents finished up so she can be a little more independent when she’s not working.