20 Weeks, 90 Days of Yoga, and Pregnancy Sweet-cheats

We made it to the halfway mark!  A few days ago but at least I’m getting the post up eventually, right?

I love my pregosaurus shirt from Zulily! Mostly because I'm not yet showing so this way people understand why I'm so tired/nauseous looking.
I love my pregosaurus shirt from Zulily! Mostly because I’m not yet showing so this way people understand why I’m so tired/nauseous looking.

20 week update

Baby: Baby is now about the size of a paper airplane.  Or a mango.  Or a paper airplane sized mango.  Not a lot is actually happening developmentally, we are mostly past that point.  Everything is fattening up, lengthening, and shifting into it’s final positions!  Greg and I can both feel him moving more often.  He’s finally moved on from rolling and snuggling to kicking and punching a bit more often.  Including on my bladder.  At our anatomy scan, we found out baby boy 2 is growing right on schedule and looks healthy so, yay!

Mama: Mama finally got prescribed some anti-nausea meds.  PRAISE THE LORD!  I can finally eat a bit more and am hoping to kick up my weight gain soon (how many pregnant women have this issue??).  Greg was in Mexico for four days meaning I was more exhausted than normal but other than that, if baby is healthy I am happy.

Now for the fun updates!

90 Days of Yoga Challenge

With the help of one of my fantastic friends (nettleandlily.wordpress.com), I am embarking on a 90 days of yoga challenge.  I am going to find online videos to follow along and do at least 10 minutes of yoga every day for 90 days straight.  As much as I would love for them to be full hour-long sessions each time, it’s just not feasible.

For all pregnant women reading this, please please PLEASE read the article here on how to modify poses while pregnant.  I found that I don’t tend to follow all of them but listen to your body and only do what is comfortable!  Feel free to sub in any poses shown in this article to keep active and even get some prenatal specific poses in.

Day 1-Yoga for beginners, Foundations and Flexibility: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OQ6NfFIr2jw

Day 2-Yoga for weight loss-fat burning: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ci3na6ThUJc

Day 3-Yoga for weight loss-core: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=a83LhW_CX4g

Day 4-Power yoga: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WwzihD_WmFE

Day 5-Yoga for strength and focus: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_F8aOQza68E

My view from bridge pose.  You can still see the tally marks from my pictures last night!
My view from bridge pose. You can still see the tally marks from my pictures last night!

Pregnancy Sweet-cheats

So with this baby, I have been craving SWEETSSSSSSS! The sad part is that they are not all that good for you and if I buy a whole package of Oreo’s, I will eat the whole package of Oreo’s.  In the last few weeks I found a couple of cheats!

  1. Mug cakes!
    1. Buy a box of angel food cake mix
    2. Buy a box of whatever kind of cake mix you want (like devil’s food, or fudge, or something rich and chocolatey…)
    3. Mix together and store in an airtight container
    4. When hungry, mix 3 Tbsp cake mix with 2 Tbsp water and microwave in a mug for 1 minute
    5. DEVOUR!
  2. Eggless cookie dough!-So there are a ton of recipes out there for this but I wanted a good, soft sugar cookie dough
    1. Soften 2 Tbsp of butter then beat with 3 Tbsp granulated sugar until fluffy
    2. Mix in 1/8 tsp pure vanilla extract, 1/8 tsp salt , ¼ cup + 1½ Tbsp all-purpose flour
    3. Add water 1 tsp at a time until your dough reaches a raw dough-like consistency
    4. SAVOR!

You’re welcome, a workout and two ways to complete render that workout useless all in one post!!

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